Kính thưa quý ân nhân và quý Cô Bác, ACE;
Tu Bi Foundation xin gởi bản tường trình chuyến đi giám sát và volunteer tại North Carolina September 26-27, 2018. Tu Bi Foundation có thể nắm vững tình hình trong thời gian chờ đơi gây quỹ. Cảm nhận rằng tại các tiểu bang khác không mấy ai biết về cơn bão Florence, nên sự kêu gọi trong cộng đồng tại các tiểu bang xa sẽ gặp khó khăn. Và ai cũng nghĩ có FEMA lo, có nhà nước lo… Dạ FEMA chỉ giúp tối thiểu, quá nhiều gia đình không có bảo hiểm, nên sẽ là một gánh nặng cho dân vùng lũ. Có về tận nơi, thấy tận mắt thì chúng ta sẽ dễ dàng thông cảm với họ hơn!
Cho đến nay, TBF tại VA đã đón nhận được 3,275$. Xin cám ơn quý ân nhân đã ủng hộ và khuyến khích các thiện nguyện viên trong công tác này. May mắn là tiểu bang Virginia đã thoát đươc nhiều trận bão. Nếu Virginia và Maryland bị, thì sẽ rất hãi hùng vì giá trị nhà ở Virginia và Maryland cao gấp 3 lần so với North Carolina. và hầu hết tất cả chúng ta không ai có bảo hiểm về lụt. Hôi Charity Group of VA Affection sẽ cùng hợp tác với Tu Bi Foundation để thực hiện chương trìnhcứu trợ.
Làm Từ thiện tại Vietnam rất dễ, ở Mỹ phải theo quy tắc không thể làm theo sự cảm xúc thì công việc mới có kết quả. Hiện tại TBF đang xin Thầy Giải Phược tại Wilmington, lập danh sách các gia đình Viet Nam có nhà bị hư hại vì lũ. Chúng tôi hy vọng có đủ ngân sách để trở lại North Carolina, sẽ liên lạc với chính quyền địa phương và cùng hợp tác với Red Cross để tặng quà các gia đình có người già và những gia đình có đông con bị ảnh hưởng vì lũ và đang gặp khó khăn. Các vùng gần sông, họ đã bị lụt tới lui mấy lần do bão Florence gây ra. Với sự ô nhiễm của nước và môi trường cá chết khắp nơi, họ sẽ phải dụt hết tất cả mọi thứ trong nhà. Tất cả học cụ, quần áo của các em học sinh nay đã thành đống rác!
Xem hình ảnh

Dưới đây là bài viết của 1 thiện nguyện viên Red Cross mà thiện nguyện viên TBF đã được may mắn tháp tùng với họ ngày Septeber 27, 2018. Tại các khu đang bị lũ chỉ có First Responder và Red Cross được vào để giúp dân.

Dear Friends:
Below is a first-hand account from one of our Texas Red Cross workers on the scene in the Carolina. The story is heart-breaking. Yet, thanks to the generosity of so many, American Red Cross will “be there” working closely with our governmental, faith-based, and community partners – as long as it takes…
(Received today from a Red Cross worker who spent the last 2 weeks in North Carolina)
I did not realize when I volunteered to deploy how intense and moving my deployment in North Carolina would be. As we scouted the best sites and ways to share our mission, I got an up close and personal view of our work on a very intense and complex relief operation. As flood waters subsided in some areas and rose in others, the operation was ever-changing as communities that were fine originally were impacted as the days went by and rivers continued to flood.
While I saw really bad wind damage in Wilmington, more heart-breaking were the communities a little further inland who were devastated by the river flooding that continues as I write. Before my experience in North Carolina, when I thought of flooding, I thought of water (maybe even dirty water) flooding a home. What I was not prepared for was the flood waters that we saw in North Carolina. When the river flooded, it was tainted with raw sewage. It affected the water supplies in these communities and the smell hit you like a two by four. It was so incredibly overpowering and could quickly make you ill. As waters begin to subside, more and more homes and apartments are being condemned, due to these toxic waters.
There were many communities that were essentially islands, blocked by flood waters in all directions. These families were living in homes that, because of the flooding, had no power and no water. Our emergency response vehicles (ERVs) would travel as far along these roads as possible, and then park right where the road was still under water. Families would kayak over the flooded section of road and we would load them up with meals. These families were living in terrible circumstances because they were afraid if they left, they would not be allowed to return. Children living in homes that had been flooded with toxic water – it was heartbreaking.
Along the way, we met families who were staying in their flooded homes, and we also met families who had evacuated their home close to two weeks prior and were beside themselves, waiting for the water to subside so that they could determine whether or not it would be possible to salvage anything at all from their home – any memories from their life pre-Florence. So many of these families would tell us to save the food and supplies for people who needed them; people who were worse off. They would ask us where they could go to donate to people who had even less than they did, and we would assure them that we had enough food and beg them to take some meals and supplies. Many were families that had only recently recovered from Hurricane Matthew.
I met one woman who had been able to see her home for the first time that day after evacuating 13 days prior. She had moved from Massachusetts at the beginning of the year, and had little in the way of family or a network in the Carolinas. She said that when she opened the door, she just cried. The smell of sewage was overwhelming, and there was nothing to salvage. She had purchased all sorts of cleaning supplies that she now wanted to donate to us. When I asked her if we could give her some food, at first she said no but then relented and agreed to take meals for her three children. She shared that they had lost a pet in the flooding, and her 12 year old daughter was struggling. The family had been volunteering with a number of groups – churches, the Cajun Navy, etc. over the prior week – any way that they could help. She shared that she was in a haze, still in shock, and they would often forget to eat. She was grateful for the meals.
Red Cross Volunteer!
Xin hãy cùng chúng tôi mang niềm hy vọng, sự an vui đến các nạn nhân đang lâm nạn tại Carolina.

Nguyện cầu cho thế giới bớt thiên tai, tất cả mọi người luôn được an lành.
Tu Bi Foundation
4901 Powell Road
Fairfax, VA 22032
Xin chân thành tri ân
Lieu Duyen
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